Saturday 28 July 2012


Scotland tomorrow so doing major packing today! So while I'm away I'll try and get my sister to take some outfit photos for me, because they'll be more interesting this way.
Also if they're any good, look out for them on Lookbook 

I'm back on the 12th of August 


  1. Hey,
    I found your blog because you follow Style Suzi and I thought I would check out a few other Bloggers that follow her. She has great style and I really like yours as well. You have an awesome blog and this post is great! It would be cool if we could follow each other!
    If you have facebook, I would be so grateful if you could like my page:

    Let me know what you think and if you wanted to do a link share as well that would be fantastic, as exchanging links helps bring traffic to both of us!
